Blue Cellulose Beads with Vitamin E & Vitamin A
Product Code: (SC-BL-VEA-1101-S)
INCI - Lactose, Cellulose, HPMC, Color (1-3%)
Product Description: Blue Cellulose Beads are used in personal care products to enhance the product utility having high impact and mechanical strength. These Blue Cellulose Beads have been through meticulous examination in our lab and are proven to be safe to use on skin & hair.
It contains Vitamin E & Vitamin A which has numerous benefits for hair & skin, Vitamin E Stimulates Hair Growth, fades scars, Fights Wrinkle, treats skin hyper pigmentation, and softens rough & dry skin. Vitamin A this antioxidant vitamin helps normalize cell growth, maintain healthy skin, form collagen and increase cell renewal rate.
The color blue signifies cleanliness, strength, dependability, coolness, peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual, infinity. Thus with the use of blue cellulose Beads your product reflects strength and dependability with physiologically building loyalty and trust of your consumer.
Particle Sizes
- XS = Extra Small = 0.2 mm
- VVS = Very Very Small = 0.2 - 0.3 mm
- VS = Very Small = 0.3 - 0.6 mm
- S = Small = 0.6 - 0.8 mm
- M = Medium = 0.8 - 1.4 mm
- L = Large = 1.4 - 2.0 mm
- XL = Extra Large = 2 - 5 mm
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